The Parish Council Office is located as follows:
Waddington Parish Office
High Street
Tel: 01522 722793
Email: Parish Clerk on waddingtonpc.clerk@outlook.com
or Admin Assistant on waddingtonpc.assist@outlook.com
Opening hours:
Monday 2.30pm to 5.30pm
Tuesday 9.30am-12.30pm
Thursday 9.30am-12.30pm
If unable to make these times, please contact us to book an appointment.
Have a question for the District Council, County Council or the Parish Council? Wondering who deals with what? Just pop into the office and we can help you.
You can:
- Hire one of our Community buildings.
- Report a street light problem.
- Report a pothole.
- Discuss the grass cutting.
- Pick up local information about the area
and much much more.