Freedom Church Waddington is a new(ish) church family, who meet at the Village Hall here in Waddington. We particularly welcome the RAF family, but we are a church for the whole village, and we gather folks from a bit further afield too. You don’t need to be a Christian to join us – everyone is welcome to come and explore what Christians believe and find out how our lives have been changed by our faith.
Our Sunday gatherings are quite informal – you don’t need to get dressed up to come along (although you’re very welcome to if you prefer!) You’ll find a friendly welcome, with free refreshments, live music for worship and activities for all ages. There are opportunities for you to contribute or ask questions if you would like, but you’re equally welcome to sit back and watch what is going on. And you are very much invited to join us for lunch afterwards (there’s no charge!)
We meet in Waddington Village Hall (off Mere Road) from 10am every Sunday. Refreshments are served before the meeting, which kicks off at around 10.30, and then lunch is served soon after the meeting finishes. You are welcome to join us for the whole morning, head home after the service, or even just join us for lunch (there’s always plenty) to meet us and find out a bit more about us. There’s lots more information on our website, which is www.freedom-church.org.uk, and we have a Facebook page too – www.facebook.com/newfrontierswaddington, where we share what’s going on in church and around the place.
As well as Sunday mornings, we meet mid-week, gathering in people’s homes, and we have a monthly family fun afternoon called Soggy Saturday (www.facebook.com/groups/SoggySaturday) which gives families a chance to get out of the house and entertain the little ones for free during the winter.
We are passionate about helping our community to flourish, and we love to work with other churches and groups. We run a weekly tots’ group with St Michael’s Church, called Little Angels (www.facebook.com/littleangelstotsgroup) and we also work with the RAF Chaplaincy, and lots of other organisations in the village! If you think there’s a way that Freedom Church can help you or the community, we would love for you to get in touch, and we’ll see what we can do!
If you have questions about Christianity, we’d love to hear from you too! Give us an email on freedomchurchwaddington@gmail.com, or a ring on 07801 425125 and we can arrange to have a natter. We also offer the Alpha Course (www.alpha.org), which gives you a chance to find out what Christians believe in a no-pressure atmosphere and at a relaxed pace, without committing to joining the church (there’s often food involved as well!) Drop us an email if you’re interested in joining a course.
Freedom Church Waddington is a Newfrontiers church, part of the Regions Beyond network.