Sidney Hall Field

Sidney Hall Field was given to the Parish Council in 1948, by Charles Thorp Hall and Derek Thorp Hall, in memory of there brother Sidney Thorp Hall who was reported missing in the Great War of 1939-1945. They asked that the field be known as "Sidney Hall Memorial Field" and it be used for recreational purposes.
For years the field was empty, just being used for walking. The Parish Council received a request from some young people of the village for a Skate Park and after consulting with residents, meeting with companies and applying for grants the Skate Park was opened in July 2014. It was financed by a WREN Grant. In 2015 we continued with the improvements with the crashed areoplane, trim trail and benches, which were financed by a MOD Convenant Grant.
In 2022 we added a zip wire, monkey wall challenge and basket swing, which are proving to be very popular.