Redwood Drive Community Centre is located on Redwood Drive, next to the playing field and playground. There is a small car park for visitors. This is a smaller building than the Village Hall, but is in a good location for the houses situation down hill Waddington, Brant Road, Redwood Drive, Hollywell Road area.
There is a main hall, small committee room and kitchen, it is DDA complaint.
You can hire out the Community Centre by contacting the Admin Assistant in the Parish Office on 01522 722793, or email waddingtonpc.assist@outlook.com.
Rates of hire vary from:
Block bookings:
Businesses £15.50 per hour
Non-profit organisations £12 per hour
Casual bookings:
Parties, etc £16 per hour
Childrens party before 6pm £16 per hour
Commiittee Room £9 per hour