The Village Hall is located just off Grantham Road (A607), Waddington. It has a good sized car park and is next to the Playing Fields. It has a one way system, you enter from Grantham Road and exit via Mere Road.
You can hire the Village Hall by contacting the Admin Assistant in the Parish Office on 01522 722793 or email waddingtonpc.assist@outlook.com.
Rates of hire vary from:
Regular bookings
Non profit organisations £13.50 per hour
Others £18 per hour
Casual bookings
Childs Party up to 6pm £21 per hour
Other Parties without bar £23 per hour
with bar £28.50 per hour
Meetings in Committee Room £10 per hour
Meetings in Main Hall £23 per hour
During the summer of 2023, the stage at the Village Hall was refurbished, thanks to the hard work and commitment of the Waddington Dramatic Society.