13th November 2023






Present:        Councillors:          Barling, Bayston, Carcass, Clarke, Forrester, Gallagher,  

    Hadfield, Hopkins, Hurst, Sanders, Richardson, Spence,  



Clerk:                   Mrs Smith, Mrs Mumby




1.   Apologies for absence. (Reasons to be given to the Clerk in advance of the meeting)

Apologies were received from Cllr Barnshaw due to health reasons.

It was proposed by Cllr Bayston and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that they accept the apologies and reasons for absence.

All agreed.  Carried.


Cllr Sanders had informed that he would be late to the meeting due to him attending a meeting at NKDC.


2.   Declarations of interest for any agenda item.



3.  Signing of the minutes.  To accept the Clerk’s notes from the meeting held on 9th October 2023.

It was proposed by Cllr Bayston and seconded by Cllr Richardson that the minutes of 9th October were a true record of the meeting, and they were agreed to be signed.

9 Agreed, 3 Abstention, Carried.


4.   Co-option.  To receive and discuss some applications for co-option.

It was proposed by Cllr Bayston and seconded by Cllr Wilson that they co-opt Mr Clarke on to the Council.

All agreed.  Carried.


Mr Clarke joined the meeting.


5.   Finance

a)   Monthly finance report – to receive and accept the monthly finance report.

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Bayston that the finance reports be accepted.

All agreed.  Carried.


b)   Authorising of the payments. To resolve to authorise the BACS payments listed by the RFO and certify invoices.

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Bayston that the BACS payments and invoices could be signed.

All agreed.  Carried.


6.   Clerks Report and Correspondence.

The Clerk informed that Graham Hill from Hills Garden Maintenance had informed her that he would not be continuing with the grass cutting contract next year.  He was due to do one more cut this season but due to the wet weather had not done so.  The office had received some complaints about the grass in the burial ground and the football pitches. 

The Assistant Clerk had been in touch with a company called Tivoli, about doing a one off cut for us and giving us a quote for next season, they had visited the office and agreed to do a cut as a taster for free and would be willing to quote for the grass cutting and line marking.

The handymen will be strimming around the burial ground.


The Clerk had received the pay rise from NALC for the Clerk and Assistant Clerk, it is for £1 per hour and is to be back dated to 1st April 23.  Therefore, they will have a larger payment at the end of November than normal.


The Planning Committee have just met prior to this meeting to discuss the application for the 94 houses on the bottom of Station Road, they have not objected to the application but have made some observations.


7.   Matters arising from the last meeting.  Only for discussion.

Cllr Hadfield informed that he had looked at the cost of the streetlight parts, agenda item 8 of last month’s meeting.  He informed that the parts are expensive and therefore the cost quoted by EON is not excessive.  It was agreed that the item would be put on next month’s agenda for further discussion. 


Cllr Sanders joined the meeting.


8. Christmas Fair.   To discuss the Christmas fair which takes place on Saturday 18th November.

The Clerk asked who would be able to help on Saturday, setting up, during the day and clearing away, and took down names of those able to help.

We will be meeting at 8am to set up, the fair is from 11am to 3pm and so we will be clearing away at 3pm.  The marquees will be going up on Wednesday and Thursday.  Due to the wet weather, we have been having, we have ordered some rubber matting to put on the grass for people to walk on.


9.  Redwood Drive Community Centre.  To discuss the repairs, improvements, quotes, and grants for the Community Centre. 

The Clerk informed that following the last meeting she had looked at the grant paperwork and unfortunately the grant will only cover the building upgrades and not the car park.  Therefore the Parish Council will be paying for the car park improvements from the reserves. 

She had received quotes for.

Cladding                      £12,800

Kitchen refresh           £1,333

New Flooring               £8,192

and we are waiting for the Solar Panel and heating quote.

Other items to be added were suggested, decoration, internet, new blinds, CCTV updated, and front door.

The Clerk informed that she would get as much information as possible for the deadline and would be submitting the application on behalf of the Council before the deadline.


10.   Urgent matters for attention – Items which the Chairman is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency due to special circumstances.



11.   Date of the next meeting.  Monday 11th Dec 23 in the Community Hub.


Meeting closed at 8.30pm.




Open Forum


County Councillor

Cllr Tom Dyer informed that storm Babet had caused flooding on Hollywell Road and Pitsford Close.  Lots of complaints have been made about the drainage system at the back of Hollywell Road, have been sent to him, these have all been sent to the County Council to review.  LCC met last week to discuss it, the ditches have not been maintained, its an ongoing issue. 

The Planning permission for the North Hykeham relief road has now been formally submitted.  The project is on track.

The new 30mph on Grantham Road south, the contractor is due to put the electricity for the sign lighting once Anglian Water has finished, they are due to finish on 22 November.

The proposal for double yellow lines on the Bar Lane / High Street junction is now out for consultation.

He has received a request for double yellow lines on the High Street by Church Lane, where the road narrows by the Barbers shop.

The Council Volunteer Scheme is running again next year, the Council can put in another request.

You may have heard in the news that some local authorities are in financial difficulties, LCC is not, it is running well financially.

The proposal to go ahead with devolution and to have Major, is up for Full Council consideration on Friday 1st December and then forward for public consultation.



District Councillors

Cllr Pennell sent his apologies.


Cllr Cooper send his apologies.


Cllr Sanders had nothing further to report.







Finance Report for October 2023


Current Account


Balance as at 1 October 2023




Add Receipts





Village Hall



Community Hub



Redwood Drive Community Centre



Stalls Christmas Fair






Burial Ground







Transferred to Deposit Account




Less Expenditure





Wages for October 2023



PAYE for October 2023



refunded deposits



Perri Johnson - Element Marquees



Lincoln Signs & Services



Hills Garden Maintenance






PKF Littlejohn



Other expenses





Balance as at 31 October 2023




Deposit Account


Balance as at 1 October 2023




Less transferred to Current Account




Add  transferred from Current Account




Balance as at 31 October 2023




Money Breakdown


Current Account



Deposit Account





CIL Money



S106 money



Reserves & Precept












Accounts for Payment






Peri Johnson

remaining balance for Marquee


Andrea Smith

reimbursement for internet security cost



electricity for the Hub


Community Heartbeat

replacement Paediatric pads



bins at the Village Hall























Accounts Paid Since last meeting






Leanne Ireland

returned deposit


Andrea Smith

reimbursement for expenses Christmas Fair


Mrs Green

cancelled burial reservation


Joanne Debenham

returned deposit


Mr Richardson

Window Cleaning



Gas for Changing Rooms


Peri Johnson

Element Marquees Christmas Fair


Lincoln Signs & Services

Grass Cutting


Grassmats Ltd

rubber grass matts x 20












