12th June 2023



HELD ON 12th JUNE 2023



Present:        Councillors:          Barling, Barnshaw, Bayston, Gallagher, Hadfield,

    Mrs Hopkins, Hurst, Sanders (Chair), Spence,

    Richardson, Williams, Wilson


Clerk:                   Mrs Smith,  Mrs Mumby




It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that they bring agenda item 9 forward to after item no.3, as residents had attended the meeting to listen to the item.

All agreed.  Carried.


1.   Apologies for absence. (Reasons to be given to the Clerk in advance of the meeting)



2.   Declarations of interest for any agenda item.

Cllr Sanders declared a prejudicial interest in agenda item 5b.


3.  Signing of the minutes.  To accept the Clerk’s notes from the meeting held on 15th May 2023.

It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Barling that the minutes of 15th May were a true record of the meeting, and they were agreed to be signed.

10 Agreed, 1 Abstention, Carried.


4.   Co-option.   To receive and discuss some applications for co-option.

A request had been received from Martyn Hurst to be co-opted on to the Council.

It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that they co-opt Martyn Hurst on to the Council.

All agreed.  Carried.

Cllr Hurst joined the meeting.


5.   Finance

a)  Monthly finance report – to receive and accept the monthly finance report.

It was proposed by Cllr Barling and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that the finance report be accepted.

All agreed.  Carried.




b)   Authorising of the payments. To resolve to authorise the BACS payments listed by the RFO and certify invoices.

It was proposed by Cllr Barnshaw and seconded by Cllr Williams that the BACS payments and invoices could be signed.

All agreed.  Carried.


6.   Clerks Report and Correspondence.

The Clerk informed that on the 5th and 6th July, highways will be sanding down and painting the railing and play equipment, in the High Street playground, for free.  The Parish Council just need to supply the equipment, paint, brushes, ground sheets.


Replies have been received from both MP’s regarding the PCSO’s.  Both are very similar in that they understand our concerns but there is nothing they can do, as it comes under the Police and Crime Commissioner.


It was proposed by Cllr Bayston and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that we send a letter of thanks to the PCSO’s.

All agreed.  Carried.


It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that they write to the Home Secretary regarding the PCSO’s.

All agreed.  Carried.


There is a meeting in the church on Monday 19th June at 7.30pm regarding Waddington Wellbeing if anyone can attend.


A reminder that it is Cllr Ged Hallam’s funeral on Tuesday 20th June, 12.15pm in the church, followed at the crematorium and then the Wheatsheaf.  The office will be closed on the day.


The Clerk is very busy and is still working on things for Redwood Drive Community Centre.


An email has been received today from a resident on Mere Road about ivy going over their fence from the Village Hall side.  The Clerk will ask the handymen to look at it.


On Saturday night some people have gone round the village, removing the lids of the green bins, pulling up for sale signs and generally being destructive.  Two of the lids from the green bins are still missing, you cannot buy replacement lids and the bins cost over £300.


It was agreed that an article should be put in the Heathcliff, with pictures and informing of the cost for them to be replaced.


The Clerk informed that she is still looking for someone to open the new Village Hall gate on a Saturday and Sunday mornings at 7.30pm.

It was agreed that it should be advertised on facebook.


A letter has been received from a resident on the Jelson site about overhanging tree branches from the Village Hall Field.  Cllr Sanders has been and looked at it and the branch should be removed.

It was agreed that this should be done.


7.   Matters arising from the last meeting.  Only for discussion.

Cllr Spence asked if the playground damage had been reported. 

The Clerk informed that she had reported it to the police and given Cllr Bayston the police number to pass on to any residents who may have any information.


Cllr Hurst asked what was happening with Redwood Drive Community Centre. 

The Clerk informed that a report had been received, which she would send him a copy and it was agreed to do the immediate work and get quotes for the other work.


8.   Re-adopt the orders / regulations / terms of Reference. 

i.          Standing Orders

ii.         Financial Regulations

iii.        Complaints Procedure

iv.        Equal Opportunities


It was proposed by Cllr Bayston and seconded by Cllr Richardson that they change Chairman to Chair, and he/she to they, in all of the orders.

4 Agreed, 4 Against, 4 Abstained.  The Chairman had the casting vote and voted against.


It was then proposed by Cllr Sanders and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that they change he/she to they in all the orders, leaving Chairman as it is.

10 Agreed, 1 Against, 1 Abstention.   Carried.


It was proposed by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that they re-adopt all 4 orders.

11 Agreed, 1 Against.  Carried.



9.   Dog Paddock.  To discuss the dog paddock, it current location, feedback received, and the way ahead.

Lots of positive feedback had been received regarding the agenda but two emails had been received from residents asking for it to be relocated elsewhere.  The emails were read out.

The location of the fencing was discussed at length. 

It was agreed to move the temporary fencing to the west of the field near the A607 / Grantham Road, for the rest of the trial and then it would be moved down to Sidney Hall Field.

The question was asked about “how do you measure the success of it?”

It was agreed that some sort of survey should be raised.





10.   Bus stop on Grantham Road / A607, between Waddington and Bracebridge Heath.    

The Clerk informed that she had been in communication with Stuart Eccles from highways, who had informed that due to it being a 60mph area it is not straight forward, they would have to do some investigation work which would cost a few thousand.  As the roundabout for the North Hykeham relief road is going to be in that area, he can not justify the cost.  Therefore, he asked for the resident’s information so that he could speak directly to them and come to some sort of arrangement.

The Clerk also confirmed that she has seen a resident catching the bus recently on a hail and ride basis.


11.   Village Hall Bar. 

The Clerk informed that she had been contacted by both David from the drama group and Paul from the Three Horseshoes who had offered to run the bar for us. 

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Sanders that they thank drama for their offer, but they go with the Three Horseshoes.

All agreed.  Carried.


12 Summer Fair.

The Summer Fair is on Saturday 24th June, 11am to 4pm.  Everything is booked and organised, just require help on the day. 

The stage is arriving at 7am, Tilly’s at 7.30am and Tahoot’t at 8am.  The Marquee will be going up a few days beforehand.  We will be setting up from 9am to 11am and packing away from 4pm.    Any help on the day, setting up, during the event and / or clearing away will be appreciated.

The Clerk will be marking out where everything is going the day before and Martin the handymen will be there from 7am to meet those who arriving early.


13.   Urgent matters for attention – Items which the Chairman is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency due to special circumstances.



14.  Date of the next meeting.  The next meeting will be held on Monday 10th July 2023 in the Community Hub.


Meeting closed at 9.40pm.




Open Forum

Jane Pickersgill from Mere Road, spoke to the Council about the Dog Paddock on the playing field, which is on the agenda to be discussed, agenda item 9.

When someone is using the dog paddock, she can hear shouting, and on occasion has heard swearing, which is not good if she is in the garden with her young daughter.  She asked if the Council could move it before the end of the trial period.  She suggested that the tree line along the A607 would be a good place to put it, as it is away from any properties and it would provide some shade.


Phillip Baker, from Mere Road, also spoke to the Council about the Dog Paddock.  He commented that they had not been notified beforehand and that it was within 2 metres of his back fence. 


County Councillor

Cllr Tom Dyer informed that the County Council will be holding the 3rd and final public consultation event for the North Hykeham Relief Road, on Wednesday from 2pm to 7pm in the Hub.  There is an update on the noise and vibration, and the Viking Way.  The plans have changed every time after a public event, this is the final one before the planning permission is submitted.

The work on Brant Road has completed, overall it has come to a positive end result.  There are ongoing snags, grass verges are in a state in some places. 

LCC had a planning meeting last Monday, the proposal for the speed limit on Meadow Lane to be reduced from 60mph to 40mph, was approved by the committee so it will now go to public consultation.

There is a pot of money, £350,000, for public right of way improvements.  He has been contacted by some residents with suggestions which he had put forward.

He has put the public right of way between Waddington and North Hykeham forward as a travel scheme, it is on the agenda with the head of environment.


District Councillors

Cllr Pennell informed that NK had their Annual Council Meeting in May.  Cllr Mike Clark is the new Chairman.  He is the Chair of the Planning Committee and the Vice-Chairman of Licensing.

They have completed the installation of the Solar Panels at NK, they have 195 solar panels, which cost £152,000, they will make a 20% saving on energy cost and they should pay for themselves in 7 years.

There is a slight change to the Planning Committee, members can call in plans but they have to have a valid reason.  If they want to speak for or against it, they can’t vote on it.


Cllr Cooper sent his apologies.


Cllr Sanders had nothing to report.






Finance Report for May 2023


Current Account


Balance as at 1 May 2023




Transferred from Deposit Account




Add Receipts


Village Hall



Community Hub



Redwood Drive Community Centre



Burial Ground










Less Expenditure





Wages for May 2023



PAYE for May 2023



Finding Fitness



Hills Garden maintenance



Lincoln Signs & Services



Element Marquees




Public Works Loan Board

Acts Trust






Other expenses





Balance as at 30 April 2023




Deposit Account


Balance as at 1 April 2023




Less transferred to Current Account




Add transferred from Current Account




Balance as at 30 April 2023




Money Breakdown


Current Account



Deposit Account





CIL Money



S106 money



Reserves & Precept














Accounts for Payment






Neil Patchett

Stage for Summer Fair



Street light quarterly maintenance



Skip exchange


Hills Garden maintenance

Grass cutting


Konica Minolta




paper, black bags


Acts Trust

Youth Club


York Sills

Structural Survey



toilet cleaner, toilet roll


Lincoln Signs & Services

grass cutting



Electric for Hub


Andrea Smith

Reimbursement for expenses




















Accounts Paid Since last meeting






Neil Patchett

deposit for stage for Summer Fair


Hills Garden maintenance

grass cutting


Lincoln Signs & Services

grass cutting


Element Marquees

marquee for Summer Fair


Fen Ditching

cutting of banks on Hiltop


Mr Ian Richardson

Window Cleaning



Mini Fair for Summer Fair









