8th February 2021






Present:        Councillors:          Barling, Barnshaw, Bayston, Edwards, Gallagher (Chairman),

Hallam, Mrs Hopkins, Kenyon, Newman, Ms Norman,    

Sanders, Spence, Stewart, Williams


Clerk:                   Mrs Smith, 




1.   Apologies for absence. (Reasons to be given to the Clerk in advance of the meeting)

Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs Belli.


2.   Declarations of interest for any agenda item.

Cllr Mrs Hopkins and Cllr Bayston declared a personal interest in agenda item 7.


3.  Signing of the minutes.  To accept the Clerk’s notes from the meeting held on 11th January 2021.

It was proposed by Cllr Barnshaw and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that once the amendments were made the minutes of 11th January would be a true record of the meeting and they were agreed to be signed.

12 agreed, 2 Abstention, Carried.


4.   Clerk’s Report and Correspondence. Matters arising from the last meeting.  Only for discussion.

An email had been received from a resident who is a Corporal in the RAF.  He had noticed that there was some new graffiti on the aircraft on Sidney Hall Field and wondered if the Parish Council would be happy if after lockdown if he and other RAF personnel could repaint the entire frame to hide the graffiti.

It was agreed that they would be happy for this to be done.


Cllr Mrs Hopkins was concerned about the water, from the natural spring running down the hill on Station Road.  Just before Christmas with all the rain it became like a waterfall and with the cold weather the water was freezing at night.  Someone had skidded off the road and taken out the salt bin.  Any salt that is put on the road is just being washed away.  Highways had been out and looked at the situation but she was not aware if anything was being done.  Cllr Mrs Hopkins had sent an email to County Councillor Mrs Talbot on 24th January but had received no reply.  A sign had appeared saying the road would be closed on the 4th March but nobody was aware if it was connected to this.

It was agreed that the Clerk would contact highways to see what the road will be closed for on the 4th March and if it is not connected to this, she will send an email to Cllr Richard Davies and Cllr Mrs Talbot.

The cleaner of Redwood Drive Community Centre, Mrs Fillingham has fallen off her bike and broken her hip and arm.  She will be off work for at least 6 weeks so Mr Walker will be covering for her. 

Hills garden Maintenance have been busy pruning back the trees and hedges around the village and they have completed the clearing of the burial ground road.  The Councillors were sent photos of the work completed.


5.   Finance

a)   Monthly finance report – to receive and accept the monthly finance report.

It was proposed by Cllr Barnshaw and seconded by Cllr Edwards that the finance report be accepted.

All agreed.  Carried.


b)   Signing of cheques. To resolve to authorise the BACS payments listed by the RFO. And certify invoices.

It was proposed by Cllr Barnshaw and seconded by Cllr Edwards that the BACS payments and invoices could be signed.

All agreed.  Carried.


6.   To discuss fencing along Grantham Road Playing Field, along A607.  A request has been received from a resident, requesting this be considered.

The Council agreed that fencing was not appropriate for the area, but they would look at placing some extra hedging plants in the gaps to make the boundary more secure.


7.   To discuss a request for a grant from Waddington Guide Group.

The Council discussed that their policy was not to give grants to any groups or charities.  It was agreed that it should be put on next month’s agenda to discuss the policy again.

It was proposed by Cllr Barling and seconded by Cllr Barnshaw that they should not give a grant to the guides.

An amendment to the proposal was made by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr Hallam that they inform the guides that at present we are in the process of reviewing the policy and therefore cannot give them a decision at the moment.

7 Agreed, 5 Against and 2 Abstention. Carried.


8.   Matters arising from the last meeting.  Only for discussion.

Cllr Williams asked if the Clerk had heard anything from Cllr Mrs Talbot about Manor Lane, as some of the residents of Manor Lane had also contacted Cllr Mrs Talbot and they had had no response.

The Clerk informed that she had had no response, or any correspondence from Cllr Mrs Talbot since before Christmas, but she was aware that she had been ill.


It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that they go out of session to allow Cllr Cawrey to speak.

All agreed.  Carried.

Cllr Cawrey informed that if you are not receiving any help or response from your County Councillor you can contact the Chief Whip, who is Cllr Jackie Brockway, who can intervene and help.

It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that they go back into session.

All agreed. Carried.


9.   Urgent matters for attention – Items which the Chairman is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency due to special circumstances.



10.  Date of the next meeting.  The next Parish Meeting will be held on Monday 8th March 2021 by Zoom.


Meeting closed at 7.47pm.






County Cllr Mrs Christine Talbot, LCC Report

Cllr Mrs Talbot sent her apologies, but she had nothing to report.


District Cllr Peter Burley, NKDC Report

Cllr Burley informed that there had been some correspondence sent out about the bin men and why they are not wearing face masks.  It states that:

‘National guidance is clear that wearing face protection whilst undertaking collection activities has the potential to bring more risk; with the need to readjust face coverings whilst undertaking manual work increasing the potential of hand to face contamination.’


District Cllr Lindsey Cawrey, NKDC Report

Cllr Cawrey informed that there was not a lot to report, council business is going on as usual with most staff working from home.  Better gym in Sleaford is being used for testing of frontline services staff.  Vaccinations are being carried out at pace.


District Cllr Lance Pennell, NKDC Report

Cllr Pennell informed that he had been contacted by a resident regarding the Lindum Lyndhurst development on Brant Road, he wanted to know if it was green.  Cllr Pennell had explained that no planning application had been submitted.

The Census is due on 21st March, they are looking for people to help.

Garden bins have been cancelled for today and tomorrow.


Cllr Barnshaw commented that the bin men do a fantastic job.



Finance Report for January 2021


Current Account


Balance as at 1 January 2021




Transferred from Deposit Account




Add Receipts





Village Hall



Redwood Drive Community Centre



Community Hub



Burial Ground







Less Expenditure





Wages for January 2021



PAYE for January 2021









Playing Field Trust



Hills Garden Maintenance



Other expenses





Balance as at 31 January 2021




Deposit Account


Balance as at 1 January 2021




Less transferred to Current Account




Add  Transferred from Current Account




Balance as at 31 January 2021











Accounts for Payment






Hills Garden maintenance

Prune trees on Grantham Road


Hills Garden maintenance

Work on driveway in burial ground



skip exchange


Residents Association

refund of letting fees for 2020



Annual training scheme




















Accounts Paid Since last meeting






Hills garden maintenance

bushes and tree work in burial ground, Redwood Drive


R J Coyle

repairs to boiler in Community Hub









