12th April 2021



HELD ON 12th APRIL 2021



Present:        Councillors:          Barling, Barnshaw, Bayston, Edwards, Gallagher (Chairman),

Hallam, Mrs Hopkins, Kenyon, Newman, Ms Norman,    



          Clerk:                   Mrs Smith, 




The Chairman informed that Council that he had asked the Clerk to send condolences to the Queen on behalf of the Council and residents of Waddington.


1.   Apologies for absence. (Reasons to be given to the Clerk in advance of the meeting)

Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs Belli, Sanders, Spence and Williams


2.   Declarations of interest for any agenda item.

Cllr Bayston declared a prejudicial interest in an item in the Clerks Report, agenda item 4, regarding the Lakeside Estate.


3.  Signing of the minutes.  To accept the Clerk’s notes from the meeting held on 8th March 2021.

It was proposed by Cllr Barling and seconded by Cllr Hallam that the minutes of 8th March were a true record of the meeting and they were agreed to be signed.

All agreed, Carried.


4.   Clerk’s Report and Correspondence. Matters arising from the last meeting.  Only for discussion.

As there had been a number of residents present at the meeting from the Lakeside Estate, the Clerk asked the Council what they would like to do regarding the ASB on the Estate.

It was agreed that Heidi Ryder at NKDC was limited to what she could do as it was still private land. 

It was agreed that they should get a copy of the log from Mr Bingham and write to the Chief Constable, copying in the Police & Crime Commissioner and the MP. 


The Clerk informed that she had finally received a letter from Homeserve regarding the van that had crashed into the field, informing that they would look into the complaint and get back to us within 4 weeks.


The Clerk informed that she had written to the MP and Cllr Martin Hill regarding Manor Lane and the Natural Spring.  She had received a reply form the MP informing that a works order had been put in for the Natural Spring and they would get back to us as soon as they had a date.  She had received a reply from Cllr Martin Hill informing that the County Councillor was not standing for re-election and therefore the new councillor who was elected in May would be able to help us.


The Clerk had received an email that morning from the Road Safety Partnership, which she had forwarded to the Councillors.  She will put it on next month’s agenda for discussion.


The new memorial benches are now in place.  The handymen have done a great job installing them, which was not easy as they are very heavy.


5.   Finance

a)   Monthly finance report – to receive and accept the monthly finance report.

It was proposed by Cllr Barnshaw and seconded by Cllr Edwards that the finance report be accepted.

All agreed.  Carried.


b)   Signing of cheques. To resolve to authorise the BACS payments listed by the RFO. And certify invoices.

It was proposed by Cllr Barnshaw and seconded by Cllr Edwards that the BACS payments and invoices could be signed.

All agreed.  Carried.


6.   To discuss the residents wall at Redwood Drive / Hollywell Road. To receive a report regarding the wall and discuss what the Council wish to do.

The report received from a builder was read out to the Council.

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Barling that they accept the experts opinion and make the offer to the resident, without prejudice, to either repoint the crack in the wall or give them the cost of repointing, £200 and they go ahead and replace the wall. 

All agreed. Carried


7.   To discuss the re-opening of the Youth Club.  To review if and when to re-open the youth club.

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Barnshaw that they go ahead and re-open the youth club on a Thursday only after the elections.  This would be on Thursday 13th May.

All agreed.  Carried.


8.   Christmas Fair.  To discuss having a Christmas Fair this year.

It was proposed by Cllr Barling and seconded by Cllr Hallam that they go ahead with the Christmas Fair on the 20th November and hire a marquee to allow a safer event.

All agreed. Carried.


10.   Matters arising from the last meeting.  Only for discussion.



11.   Urgent matters for attention – Items which the Chairman is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency due to special circumstances.



12.  Date of the next meeting.  The Annual Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday 10th May 2021, location to be confirmed.


Meeting closed at 8.10pm.






District Cllr Peter Burley, NKDC Report

Cllr Burley informed that he had nothing to report but he was happy to take any questions.


District Cllr Lindsey Cawrey, NKDC Report

Cllr Cawrey informed that she also had nothing to report but she was happy to take any questions.


District Cllr Lance Pennell, NKDC Report

Cllr Pennell informed that he had been contacted by a resident regarding the path / alleyway behind the shops on Redwood Drive, there was a lot of rubbish dumped there and rats had been seen.  It looked like rubbish connected to the refurbishment of Valentino’s.  It had now been cleared.

NKDC have brought their Annual meeting forward to the 29th April so that it could be held remotely.

There are roadworks on the A15 towards Sleaford, which will be for a few weeks.


Cllr Edwards asked when the bypass cycler / footpath would be open as he had seen a lot of people walking / cycling down the A15.


Cllr Cawrey informed that she had been chasing this up and it would be completed imminently.



Mr James Bingham from Loweswater Close, Lakeside, informed that on the Estate they were having issues with Anti-Social Behaviour.  Groups of young people were coming to the lake, starting fires, drinking, taking drugs and being abusive to the residents.

So far this year there had been incidents on 20th, 21st, 22nd, 27th 29th and 30th Mar, and 3rd, 8th, 11th and 12th April.

He contacts the police every time and has been reported the incidents to NKDC via the website and has received correspondence from Heid Ryder at NKDC.


Cllr Cawrey informed that she had been contacted previously by some residents, unfortunately all she can do is pass it on to the ASB Officers.  The Police should be doing something it is not acceptable.


Mr Bingham informed that they appeared to be coming from far and wide, not from this area and they were between 12 and 18.  He had had a visit from the local police team and Cllr Jordan Moran last year.


Niccol Welsh from Rutland Avenue, Lakeside, informed that they were not being kind to the animals throwing rocks at the ducks, which worried her with regards to her cats.  Last year she had called the police out twice.


Cllr Pennell, informed that with it being private land Heidi Ryder had probably done all she can and it would be best to write to the police.



Finance Report for March 2021


Current Account


Balance as at 1 March 2021




Transferred from Deposit Account




Add Receipts


Village Hall



Redwood Drive Community Centre



Community Hub



Burial Ground







Less Expenditure





Wages for March 2021



PAYE for March 2021



Public Works Loan Board



Hills Garden Maintenance



British Gas



Other expenses





Balance as at 31 March 2021




Deposit Account


Balance as at 1 March 2021




Less transferred to Current Account




Add  Transferred from Current Account




Balance as at 31 March 2021










Accounts for Payment






Clerks & Councils Direct

Annual subscription


Hills Garden Maintenance

Grass Cutting



cleaning products



Skip exchange


Andrea Smith

reimbursement for purchasing equipment for handymen























Accounts Paid Since last meeting













